
Business Debt Recoveries

Recover your unpaid debts and invoices from just £85

We can help recover unpaid debts and invoices, whilst protecting your working relationships with defaulting customers. We specialise in encouraging payment through communication, we have found this approach increases recoveries and decreases the need for further action, which minimises costs, and which we see as a last resort. We charge a fixed initial instruction fee (starting from £85*) to receive your instructions and contact your customer on your behalf. Other contact options are available should you wish to take a more commercial approach.

It's Easy to Get Started

Enter your details below, or call us on 01925 426 107
We will send you our terms of engagement and ask you to fill in a 1-page instruction form
Verify your identity digitally and pay the instruction fee
We will send the first letter to your customer

What We Do

  • Offer bespoke solutions through the use of technology and contact campaigns, which creates optimum returns for our clients
  • Send letters designed to invite the debtor to contact us in order to address the debt
  • Subsequently send a letter of claim in which we claim any interest, compensation and costs recoverable along with the initial debt
  • Advise you of your enforcement options and issue court proceedings, should your customer not respond

Why Restons?

Restons Solicitors specialise in debt collection and litigation services provided to a range of businesses and has over 30 years’ experience in recovering debt. We find our contact campaigns encourage our client’s customers to be more forthcoming in making payment.

We take a commercial approach and invite your defaulting customers to provide us with information to better understand their financial circumstances in order to reach a settlement

Your relationship with your customers is at the forefront of our minds and our business model; we operate in a way that allows you to preserve that relationship, optimising prospects of ongoing and continuous trade with defaulting customers

We believe in a firm but fair approach - we understand the necessity of pursuing unpaid debts for your own cash flow purposes, to allow you to continue to provide services to other customers and to comply with your obligations to your own business and employees

We enhance the relationship between our clients and their customers by offering bespoke solutions to encourage communication and a quick resolution

Our Success

We have developed a contact strategy which includes a campaign of emails and text messages to encourage a response and co-operation from your defaulting customers. Our statistics show that following the implementation of our contact strategy the response rate increased by 25%. We appreciate that for many of our client’s litigation is considered a last resort and we find that our contact strategies assist in minimising the prospects of litigation and dispute.

Of all the customers with whom we commenced our contact campaign, only 75% then received a Letter of Claim and only 48% resulted in proceedings being issued.

94% of our client's customers surveyed state they are extremely, or very, satisfied with their experience with us.


Our pricing starts at just £85 plus VAT to send a Letter of Claim to a corporate customer/debtor, and £150 plus VAT to send a letter of claim to a non-corporate customer/debtor.

If it is necessary to send a Letter of Claim, any costs and interest that can be claimed from your customer, pursuant to your terms of business or the Late Payment of Commercial Debts legislation will be claimed at this time. We can also issue court proceedings if your customer continues not to pay; costs would be limited to the fixed costs imposed by the Civil Procedure Rules up to County Court Judgment, unless the matter becomes disputed. Further details are set out below.

Our table below shows the costs we will claim from your customer if the Late Payment of Commercial Debts legislation applies (or to the extent your terms and conditions allow).

Interest At the rate of 8% per annum (above base rate)
Compensation Debt: Up to £999.99 - £40 per unpaid invoice

Debt: £1,000 to £9,999.99 - £70 per unpaid invoice

Debt: £10,000 or more - £100 per unpaid invoices
Reasonable Recovery Costs These will cover the costs you incur instructing this firm, further details of which are subject to our terms of business.

The further table below shows the costs you can expect to incur (and will be claimed from your customer) if court proceedings are issued (VAT payable in addition).

Value of Claim Court fee

(payable on instruction)
Fixed costs to issue proceedings

(payable on instruction)
Fixed cost on entering Judgment

(to be billed once Judgment obtained)
Admission or Part Admission accepted No response

(to be billed once Judgment obtained)
Up to £300 £35 £50 Up to £25 £40
Over £300 up to £500 £50
Over £500 up to £1,000 £70 £70
Over £1,000 up to £1,500 £80 £80
Over £1,500 up to £3,000 £115
Over £3,000 up to £5,000 £205
Over £5,000 up to £10,000 £455 £100 Up to £35 £55
Over £10,000 up to £200,000 5% of value
Over £200,000 £10,000

As described above, if a dispute arises costs will continue to accrue on a time and materials basis. An estimate will be given to you as and when a dispute arises. Costs claimed on a time and materials basis will be claimed at hour hourly rates, which are set out in the table below.

A Solicitors and legal executives with over 8 years' experience £300
B Solicitors and legal executives with over 4 years’ experience £220
C Other solicitors or legal executives and fee earners of equivalent experience £200
D Trainee solicitors, paralegals and other fee earners £150

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